Sport rehabilitation is a form of phsyiotherpay. It focuses on understanding, preventing and treating injuries, along with musculoskeletal conditions.
Sport Rehabilitators help people suffering with pain, injury or illness. They focus on the movement of the human body, exercise rehabilitation and returning patients to high levels of function.
They use a range of exercise prescription, movement and manual based therapeutic interventions.
What to expect from a Sport Rehabilitation appointment?
An initial consultation includes an in-depth overview and physical assessment. The therapist will take into account any predisposing factors and disorders that could cause injury.
They will use clinical reasoning to tailor treatment and a recovery plan. The treatment is designed to achieve an end goal discussed between the client and Sports Rehabilitator.
Sport Rehabilitators will record and protect all personal information. This includes sensitive information relevant to your treatment session.
What might my treatment include?
All treatments will incorporate evidence based therapeutic interventions, and exercise prescription.
Your treatment could include a range of techniques:
Exercise rehabilitation
Graded activity
Manual therapy
Workplace assessment and modification
Taping / bracing
Sport Rehabilitators consider the needs of the individual to allow optimal recovery. They will track exercises and modify if needed.
Sport Rehabilitators treat a range of injuries including:
Back pain – lower back pain, sciatica, disc problems and more
Pains and sprains in ankles, knees, shoulder groin, hip etc
Post-operative rehabilitation - (spinal, shoulder and knee surgery, joint replacements)
Total knee replacement rehabilitation
Achilles Tendinopathy
Cruciate ligament rehabilitation
Tennis elbow
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Injuries with an uncertain diagnosis
Post spinal surgery
Post trauma, including fractures
Chronic pain
Repetitive strain injuries
Are there any risks associated with treatment?
Like any exercise and manual therapy profession, post treatment soreness can arise. This is usually minimal and short lasting. Sport Rehabilitators will assess the effects of treatment and change if needed.
Your Sport Rehabilitator will inform you of any risks associated with your treatment. They are also trained to refer to other healthcare professionals when appropriate.
Click the link below to get booked in for your Sports Rehabilitation session!